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Jack Campbell Scouting Report

"Future coach type and on field leader that's always around the ball but doesn't play with much strength or explosiveness despite putting up great test numbers."



Sideline to sideline, experienced interior linebacker that's always around the ball. Can drop and hold up in zone coverage. Length aids him in coverage and he can disrupt passing lanes.

Flashes stack and shed ability. When his anticipation hits, he's a standout defender. Mature grinder and a future coach type personality.



High cut, lacks lateral quickness and gets shook in space. Plays upright and doesn't consistently win collisions.

Rangy but not fast. Anticipation isn't consistent and he hits trash flowing to the ball.



Campbell's an on field leader that's aware, rangy and always around the ball but he wastes movement and isn't particularly smooth changing direction or firing into targets. He doesn't play with the short area explosiveness that he tested with.

He uses his hands in the box but is deliberate taking on and doesn't bring much strength. His contact balance is off and he lets guys slip and break off him. He's a plug and play ILB but I don't see considerable upside unless he somehow starts playing up to his workout numbers.

NFL Comp: Jordan Zumwalt



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