"Large, long levered Edge with open field mobility and a motor but carries lethargic feet and especially tight hips."

Long levered athlete with good DE size and better than average open field mobility. Kingly wingspan. Flashes power at the point.
Flashes some change of direction and clear path speed. Flashes instincts to diagnose. Solid motor.
Narrow build and tight hipped. Doesn't use his length and lacks good hand technique. Lacks urgent feet and fluidity.
Inconsistent leverage user. Looks lost in a 3 point stance. Runs out of gas in the open field.
Wright has the build and on paper equipment to be a good edge guy but he lacks technique and fluidity. His explosive ability is lacking and he's more of a power player despite playing predominately as a stand up LB.
He flashes some power at the point and has solid speed in a clear path but he's especially tight hipped and carries lethargic feet. He appears like a 5 technique project that with better technique and power could hold up effectively at the point and be a clean up pass rusher.