"Suped up center with great quickness and tenacity but plays short armed, linear and despite his tested strength, isn't overpowering."

Fires out if his stance and works his ass off to sustain. Good quickness and speed. Brawler who tries to toss guys around. Works angles well. Terrific motor and brings it every play.
Linear guy who uses speed, angles and tenacity to compensate lack of lateral movement. Plays short armed. Most of his collisions end up draws despite his tested strength. Doesn't generate a lot of movement unless he's in the move.
Asiata plays like a suped up center. He's highly mobile and has great quickness and tenacity. He's the type that'll make blocks 20 yds downfield. But despite his weight room strength, he isn't overpowering and isn't great laterally.
He'll likely need some adjustment to a pro scheme and improved lower body strength. That said, his quickness, motor and awareness created many a pancake. I've got him as a 3rd rounder but I've read he might go considerably higher.
Pro Comparison: Jeremy Zuttah